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Volunteering is a very rewarding way to spend your time, and it can help you meet local people and learn new skills.

Volunteering is work people do in their own time for free. It’s a positive way to contribute to society by giving time and skills to help other people! It’s most commonly for non-profit community groups that provide much-needed services to New Zealanders. And, it’s seen as part of our culture!

Why should I volunteer?

You will receive an amazingly rewarding feeling when you volunteer knowing you are helping local communities in New Zealand! However, there are so many more reasons why you should volunteer:

  • Learn local culture – Volunteering is a great way to get out and meet local people doing something they love. This way, you can immerse yourself in the local culture and get the inside knowledge you just can’t read about. You could even use it as a great talking reference in your next job interview! 
  • Gain future skills – Future skills are skills needed for ‘future jobs’ and volunteering is an easy and fun way to gain them! These include, but are not limited to, caring for others, problem-solving, creativity, cultural understanding, social responsibility and teamwork. Learn more here
  • Meet like-minded people – Volunteering will help you to meet people from all walks of life. It’s a great way to make new friends in a fun and safe environment. Top tip: If you’re volunteering in a field that you want to work in, this gives you a great networking opportunity to help advance your career.
  • Gain employment – Although not all volunteering activities will lead you to employment, they can help. A lot of volunteering agencies would be happy to be used as a reference. You will also be gaining the necessary skills (and future skills!) for your career. Watch this video from Immigration New Zealand on how volunteering can help you into a career path.
Volunteering New Zealand

Who can volunteer?

If you hold a student, visitor or work visa, you may be able to volunteer. However, you must not receive any payment or reward that can be valued in terms of money, like accommodation or food, for the work you do as a volunteer.

What types of activities can volunteers do?

There are so many opportunities to be a volunteer in New Zealand. From counselling and support services to animal welfare and helping out with conservation organisations. First, you need to identify what you enjoy doing, and what new skills you would like to learn or develop.

Check out our selection here
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